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  1. AbSciCon 2019

    Image source: AbSciCon / Astrobiology at NASA Image credit: None
    Image source: AbSciCon / Astrobiology at NASA

    The Astrobiology Science Conference (AbSciCon) 2019 takes place June 24-28, 2019 in Seattle, WA. Don’t miss your chance to attend!

    Abstract Submissions Deadline: March 6, 2019
    Registration Deadline: May 30, 2019

    The theme for AbSciCon 2019 is “Understanding and Enabling the Search for Life on Worlds Near and Far.” Within our solar system, icy worlds and Mars have generated excitement, and exoplanets offer numerous and diverse environments where life may exist in other planetary systems. Near future missions and observations will scrutinize many of these targets to understand their environments and search for signs of life. Meanwhile, fundamental research on the origin and evolution of life on Earth drives our understanding about life processes that may operate elsewhere.

    For more information, visit:

    Source: [AbSciCon]