AbSciCon 2019 Call for Proposals
October 15, 2018 / Posted by: Miki HuynhThe Search for Life Near and Far
Deadline Extended: November 6, 2018 11:59PM ET
AbSciCon 2019 is the next conference in a series organized by the astrobiology community. This year’s theme is Understanding and Enabling the Search for Life on Worlds Near and Far. Future missions and observations will aim to further our understanding of diverse planetary environments while fundamental research on the origin and evolution of life on Earth drives our understanding of how life may operate elsewhere.
Session proposal topics are encouraged to span a broad array of topics with strong interdisciplinary themes that address new and emerging areas of research. Note also that the conference science themes are provided as very broad guidelines, and session proposals that don’t fit into those themes are still very welcome. The session proposal deadline is 6 November, 11:59 p.m. ET.
View Proposal Topics and Submit a Proposal: https://agu.confex.com/agu/abscicon19/prelim.cgi/ModuleProgramBook/0
Proposal Guidelines: https://connect.agu.org/abscicon/program/session-proposal-guidelines
Source: [AbSciCon]

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