Selection of NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellows from the November 2016 Opportunity
February 24, 2017 / Posted by: Miki HuynhThe NASA Astrobiology Program is pleased to announce the selection of three new 2016 NASA Postdoctoral Fellows:
Timothy Bowling
Advisor: Simone Marchi, U Colorado Boulder (Habitable Worlds)
Topic: Modeling the Origin and Evolution of Habitable Environments in Post-Impact Hydrothermal Systems Beneath Martian CratersMackenzie Day
Advisor: David Catling, University of Washington (Habitable Worlds)
Topic: Habitability of ancient martian dunesMoran Frenkel-Pinter
Advisor: Loren Williams, Georgia Institute of Technology (Exobiology: Prebiotic Evolution)
Topic: Prebiotic Self-Assembly of plausible proto-depsipeptidesCongrats to our new Fellows! More information about the NASA Astrobiology Postdoctoral Program is available at: http://nai.nasa.gov/funding/postdoctoral-fellowship-program/.
Source: [NASA Astrobiology Postdoctoral Program]

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