New Icy Worlds Website
August 26, 2016 / Written by: Miki HuynhThe NASA Astrobiology Institute team at Jet Propulsion Laboratory have launched their new website! The Icy Worlds site (https://icyworlds.jpl.nasa.gov/) presents news, multimedia, videos detailing their research investigations, and more. Discover what’s happening in astrobiology at the water-rock interface.

- The NASA Astrobiology Institute Concludes Its 20-year Tenure
- Global Geomorphologic Map of Titan
- Molecular Cousins Discovered on Titan
- Interdisciplinary Consortia for Astrobiology Research (ICAR)
- The NASA Astrobiology Science Forum Talks Now on YouTube
- The NASA Astrobiology Science Forum: The Origin, Evolution, Distribution and Future of Astrobiology
- Alternative Earths
- Drilling for Rock-Powered Life
- Imagining a Living Universe
- Workshops Without Walls: Astrovirology