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  1. NAI Lead Team Member Awarded Donath Medal

    Established in 1988, the Young Scientist Award grants recognition for “outstanding achievement in contributing to geologic knowledge through original research that marks a major advance in the earth sciences.” In order to be eligible, a researcher must be 35 or younger during the award year. Dr. Anbar is a member of the NAI Harvard and JPL 1 Lead Teams and he is a co-chair of the Mission to Early Earth Focus Group. He holds the rank of Associate Professor in the Departments of Earth and Environmental Sciences and Chemistry at the University of Rochester. His research involves using novel mass spectrometric methods to explore the stable isotope geochemistry of transition metals. For more information on this work, visit:

    On Sunday, October 27, Dr. Anbar will receive a gold medal (called the Donath Medal) and a cash prize of $20,000 for his exemplary research and teaching efforts. The award will be bestowed at the Geological Society of America’s Annual Meeting. The NAI congratulates Dr. Ariel Anbar for this exceptional achievement.