2013 Annual Science Report
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Reporting | SEP 2012 – AUG 2013
EPO Activity: Presentations
Project Progress
Members of the MIT team gave numerous professional and public lectures during the reporting period. Presentations by Co-I Andrew Knoll included two lectures at the University of Milan (March 6th and 8th), a public lecture on Mars exploration at Milan Observatory (March 7th), a lecture at the Harvard Microbial Science Initiative (April 13th), a Harvard STAHR_WISHR lecture on Mars exploration (student astronomers/women in science, May 9th), the 600th Anniversary lecture at the University of St. Andrews (October 10th), a lecture at the University of Edinburgh lecture (October 17th), the Earth Institute Keynote Lecture at the Palaeontologcal Association/British Sedimentological Research Group meeting in Dublin, Ireland (December 18th), and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute 2012 Holiday Lectures in Science (Nov. 19 and 20, 2012). Presentations by Co-I Dawn Sumner included an Annual Meeting Plenary Presentation about MSL at the American Astronomical Society (6/5/2013), the Art, Technology, and Culture Colloquium on KeckCAVES technology and art as well as MSL at the University of California, Berkeley (3/4/2013), an Art Practice Special Lecture at University of California, Davis on KeckCAVES technology and art (4/25/2013), a University Seminar on MSL at the California State University, Fresno (4/11/2013), a Houston Geological Survey Guest Night Lecture (6/8/2013), a Department Seminar on MSL at the Physics Department, University of California, Davis (3/11/2013), and 2 lectures and 1 panel discussion at the XI International School of Astrobiology “Josep Comas I Solá” Biosignatures: The Fingerprints of Life, Santander, Spain (NASA Astrobiology Institute and Centro de Astrobiología, 6/24-28/2013).