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2012 Annual Science Report

University of Wisconsin Reporting  |  SEP 2011 – AUG 2012

EPO Activity: Project 8: Solar System Ambassador Events

Project Progress

Since September 1, 2011, NASA/JPL Solar System Ambassadors held 280 astrobiology-themed events reaching a total of 235,131 people in direct contact events. More people were reached through 20 media events (television, radio and publications). Those numbers total 3,742,032.

Chinle Arizona Teachers on Astrobiology Analog Field Trip

Solar System Ambassadors (SSA) are specially-trained, space enthusiast volunteers who communicate the results of NASA and JPL’s space exploration efforts to people in their local communities. This is accomplished through classroom visits, presentations to service and youth groups, star parties, community celebrations and mission-milestone events. Once established, their efforts often include media events; eg, local television and radio appearances and writing features for hometown newspapers.

Science Inspiring Art event in Oregon