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2010 Annual Science Report

University of Hawaii, Manoa Reporting  |  SEP 2009 – AUG 2010

EPO Activity: Educational Outreach for Astrobiology Poster at 2009 AGU Conference

Project Progress

This poster discussed the two annual summer programs, one for secondary science teachers (ALI’I) and the second for middle and high school students and teachers (HI STAR), sponsored by the UH NAI team in collaboration with other partners. ALI’I, ongoing since 2004, was highlighted with photos of teachers and students conducting activities. (Photo 1)
Other NAI teams’ summer teacher workshops, SETI and Penn State were publicized for teacher recruitment. Teachers learn about integrating all sciences through astrobiology a fascinating topic for students. After four summers, HI STAR continues to promote authentic astronomy research by pre-college students mentored by astronomers. Those garnering awards at the Hawaii State and the Intel International Science and Engineering Fairs were featured. (Photo 2 and 3)
Credit was given to their mentors.