2010 Annual Science Report
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory - Titan
Reporting | SEP 2009 – AUG 2010
EPO Activity: Solar System Educators Training
Project Progress
David Grinspoon gave a presentation about the Titan NAI’s goals and research.
Presenters included: Dr. Clark Johnson (UW), Dr. Max Coleman (JPL), Dr. Kevin Hand (JPL), Dr. David Grinspoon (DMNS), Dr. Margaret Race (SETI), Edna DeVore (SETI), Brooke Norsted (UW)
21 Solar System Educators from 20 states met at NASA/Ames for Astrobiology training. David Grinspoon and Rachel Zimmerman-Brachman from the Titan NAI E/PO team participated in the two-day Astrobiology professional development for Solar System Educators at NASA Ames in July 2010. Teachers from 23 states participated in the training.
*Among the states represented were: South Carolina, Idaho, North & South Dakota, Montana, Alaska & Kentucky *Solar System Educators (SSEP) are master teachers who host workshops for other teachers in their states training them in the use of NASA’s educational products; SSEP is managed by JPL *This institute was hosted by the NASA Astrobiology Institute and three of its investigation teams: Wisconsin Astrobiology Research Institute, JPL’s Icy Worlds and Titan as a Prebiotic Chemical System. *One participant was heard to say, “This has been an incredible experience. I can’t wait to get home and share this information with my students and teachers.” She went on, “I can’t believe the scientists thanked us for what we do.”