2010 Annual Science Report
Carnegie Institution of Washington Reporting | SEP 2009 – AUG 2010
EPO Activity: Deep Sea Vents Interactive Astrobiology Kiosk and Poster
Project Progress
A portable, interactive version of the award-winning poster, Astrobiology: Discovering New Worlds of Life (published in 2002), was produced in 2003. The kiosk is available to all members of the NAI scientific and education and public outreach (EPO) teams to be displayed at conferences, schools, universities, and public lectures, as well as museums, science centers, and libraries for public display on a rotational basis. Since January 2010, it has been on display alongside the NAI-sponsored exhibit “Beyond the Edge of the Sea” at Pennsylvania State University. Thousands of the CIW Deep Sea Vents poster, have been distributed to kiosk visitors.