2010 Annual Science Report
Carnegie Institution of Washington Reporting | SEP 2009 – AUG 2010
EPO Activity: Astrobiology Textbooks and Other Publications for General Audiences
Project Progress
Alan Boss:
L’Universo Affollato: Alla ricerca di pianeti abitati (Alan Boss), Roma: La
Biblioteca Delle Scienze, 2010 [Italian translation of The Crowded
Universe: The Search for Living Planets].
A. P. Boss 2010, When Will We First Find Alien Life? (invited article),
BBC Focus Magazine, issue #213, p. 23.
Bob Hazen:
1. Hazen, R.M. and J.S. Trefil (2009) Science Matters, 2nd Edition. New York: Doubleday, 360 p.
2. Hazen, R.M. and Trefil, J.S. (2009) Great Ideas of Science: A Reader in the Classic Literature of Science. San Diego, CA: University Readers, 224 p.
3. Hazen, R.M. and J. M. Ferry (2010) Mineral evolution: Mineralogy in the fourth dimension. Elements 6, #1, 9-12.
4. Hazen, R.M. and N. Eldredge (2010) Themes and variations in complex systems. Elements 6, #1, 43-46.
5. Hazen, R.M. (2010) The evolution of minerals. Scientific American 303, #3, 58-65.
6. Hazen, R.M. (2010) How old is Earth, and how do we know? Evolution: Education and Outreach 3, 198-205.
7. Hazen, R.M. and J.S.Trefil (2010) Scientific literacy: A modest proposal. American Academy of Arts and Sciences volume, edited by J. Hildebrand, in press.