2010 Annual Science Report
NASA Ames Research Center Reporting | SEP 2009 – AUG 2010
EPO Activity: NASA Ames Team Website Development
Project Progress
The NAI Ames Team website plays a key role in marketing astrobiology research and science. By targeting researchers in the field, educators, and the general public, the website offers a user-friendly presence. The regularly updated site provides background and general information on team members, and the status of current work they are doing in the search for early habitable environments, and the evolution of complexity.
This website also appeals to educators and the public by including enticing graphics and engaging interactive content for general audiences. Examples include: – ongoing and new astrobiology science and research conducted by Ames Team members and how it impacts our daily lives – team member profiles with links to their EPO activities and – links to partner websites such as Lassen Volcanic National Park, Oklahoma Choctaw Nation and others.
The website is in the process of being updated and will feature team member presentations on the Origins of Life, Early Habitable Environments, etc. for educator resources (e.g., syllabus examples, slides, descriptions, presentations, animations, etc.).