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2012 Annual Science Report

University of Wisconsin Reporting  |  SEP 2011 – AUG 2012

EPO Activity: Project 3: “Explore! Life on Mars?” Wisconsin Librarian Workshop

Project Progress

Co-I Norsted collaborated with Lunar and Planetary Institute personnel to host a two-day workshop for 32 Wisconsin librarians as part of a LPI ROSES grant. The workshop, called “Explore! Life on Mars?”, helped participants build an understanding of astrobiology concepts, current NASA research, and science as a career choice, especially for young women. These librarians are then equipped to return to their library and host astrobiology activities, workshops, talks and other public events.

As part of this “Explore!” module, Co-I Nita Sahai was featured in an “Xtremo-O-Files Journal” included in the training. This component of the module introduces young girls to female astrobiologists as role models.

Cartoonified Dr. Nita Sahai

As part of the new Explore! module, team member Dr. Nita Sahai was featured in an “Xtremo-O-Files Journal” included in the training. This component of the module introduces young girls to female astrobiologists as role models.