Executive Council
October 24, 2019NAI Executive Council meeting May 29-30, 2019, hosted by the GSFC team.
The Principal Investigators (PIs), together with the NAI Director and Deputy Director, comprise the Executive Council (EC) of the NAI during the period of performance of their awards. The NAI Director chairs the EC and acts as its Presiding Officer. The Executive Council is charged with the following specific roles:
- Raise, discuss, and provide insight into issues such as Institute-wide research objectives, astrobiology mission opportunities, and priorities for technology development;
- Consider and analyze proposals to form Focus Groups and other similar bodies;
- Consider and comment on proposals for external partnerships (e.g., international, interagency, or corporate);
- Consider and provide perspective on other astrobiology issues at the request of the Director.
In addition to the roles enumerated above, the EC may undertake additional activities or interactions that the members consider to be within the scope of the NAI, germane to the goals of the Institute and the interests of the astrobiology science community, and/or important to NASA. Such additional activities must be endorsed by the NAI Director.
NAI Executive Council and guests inside the Edgar Experimental Mine in Idaho Springs, CO, for the in-person meeting May 15-16, 2018, hosted by the CUB team.
Members of the Executive Council at the October 5-6, 2017 in-person meeting hosted by the MIT team.
The Executive Council at the September 11-15, 2016 meeting hosted by the Montana (now Georgia Tech) team.
Members of the EC and NAI at the January 26-27, 2016 meeting hosted by the NASA Ames Research Center and SETI teams.

- October 18, 2019 - VideoCon
- September 20, 2019 - VideoCon
- August 16, 2019 - VideoCon - CANCELLED
- July 19, 2019 - VideoCon
- June 21, 2019 - VideoCon - CANCELLED
- May 29-30, 2019 - In-Person (GSFC)
- April 19, 2019 - VideoCon
- March 15, 2019 - VideoCon
- February 15, 2019 - VideoCon
- January 18, 2019 - VideoCon - CANCELLED
- December 21, 2018 - VideoCon - CANCELLED
- November 16, 2018 - VideoCon
- October 19, 2018 - VideoCon
- September 11-15, 2018 - In-Person (Georgia Tech)
- August 17, 2018 - VideoCon
- July 20, 2018 - VideoCon
- June 15, 2018 - VideoCon
- May 15-16, 2018 - In-Person (CUB)
- April 20, 2018 - VideoCon
- March 16, 2018 - VideoCon
- February 16, 2018 - VideoCon
- January 18, 2018 - VideoCon
- All Archived Previous EC Agendas