Video courtesy of the UCLA Institute for Planets and Exoplanets

Michael Jura, esteemed professor in the Physics and Astronomy Department at the University of California, Los Angeles, passed away in January 2016. He is remembered for his numerous and varied contributions to astrophysics. Jura was a member of the emeritus NAI Team at UCLA.

In his most recent work, Jura and his team looked at the atmospheres of white dwarf stars to study accretions from extrasolar minor planets, combining observations obtained at several different wavelengths with theoretical models. The research allowed the team to characterize the chemical composition and tectonic activity in the small bodies of these extrasolar planetary systems. Jura’s long-term goal was to determine if life existed in these environments.

Jura’s research has been published in Scientific American and Science News. He was an instrumental part in shaping the Division of Astronomy and Astrophysics at UCLA.

More information about his career and interests are available at the UCLA Physics and Astronomy website, as well as Mike Jura’s own site.